Destination Wedding Photographers

The Coolest Little Surprise!

AHHHH!!!!! I HEART my fans! I mean seriously, I have THE BEST blog followers EVER!!!! Today, I checked the mail and I received the COOLEST little note, congratulating me on the new blog! HOW NICE! ANDDDDDDDDDD to make it even BETTER, Patricia sent two little hasselblad pins along as well! I'm a TOTAL geek about little gadgets and gizmos like this, so it TOTALLY made my day - no week! THANK YOU!!!!



We have added a little 'Wall of Fame' in the studio with all of the cards, photos and fun little inspiring things we receive from our clients! Patricia's note has TOTALLY earned a spot! 


The  response to the new blog has been PHENOMENAL!!!! We have had some of the biggest blog days EVER at Photogen Inc and thank you all SO much for the nice comments and e-mails you have sent my way! I am passionate about photography, but also passionate about all of the love I receive from my supporters! Photogen Inc would not be what it is with out all of YOU, so THANK YOU!!!!!! 

Rock on, 
