The Family Stone

It's the season for family photos! Everyone always wants to update their looks for the big holiday card, so the requests just keep coming in! However, I am going to be completely honest with you photos are not really my thing. I only photograph a few families a year. I do these for people who I have met, formed a great relationship with in the past and truly have a connection to! I got a call from Abby of Skinner Jones a few weeks ago and the more we talked about her very-large-extended family shoot, the more I actually wanted to do it!

I came to THE house. You know when you watch movies, especially holiday movies, and the entire family comes to one big house that is super cozy and the kitchen is always bustling, the fire is on and music is rockin' while all the chaos of the family ensues?

This was THAT house! I absolutely loved this family and really enjoyed photographing them! There were 22 people, total, so I broke everyone down into their respective families before the GRAND family photo! Here are some of my favorite images!


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